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Female education essay

Female education essay

female education essay

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Female education essay for class 10

Female education is a catch-all term of a complex set of issues and debates surrounding education primary educationsecondary educationtertiary educationand health education in particular for girls and women, female education essay. It is frequently called girls' education or women's education. It includes areas of gender equality and access to education, female education essay.

The education female education essay women and girls is important connection to the alleviation of poverty. Broader related topics include single-sex education and religious education for women, in which education is divided gender lines.

Inequalities in education for girls and women are complex: women and girls face explicit barriers to entry to school, for example, violence against women or prohibitions of girls from going to school, while other problems are more systematic and less explicit, for example, science, technology, engineering and mathematics STEM education disparities are deep rooted, even in Europe and North America, female education essay.

Improving girls' educational levels has been demonstrated to have clear impacts on the health and economic future of young women, which in turn improves the prospects of their entire community. Improving female education, female education essay, and thus the earning potential of women, improves the standard of living for their own children, as women invest more of their income in their families than men do.

In some African countries, such as Burkina Faso, girls are unlikely to attend school for such basic reasons as a lack of private latrine facilities for girls. Education increases a woman's and her partner and the family's level of health and health awareness. Furthering women's levels of education and advanced training also tends to lead to delay initiation of sexual activity, first marriage, and first childbirth.

Moreover, more education increases likelihood to remain single, have no children, or have no formal marriage while increasing levels of long-term partnerships.

Women's education is important for women's health as well, increasing contraceptive use while lowering sexually transmitted infections, and increasing the level of resources available to women who divorce or are in a situation of domestic violence.

Education also improves women's communication with partners and employers, and rates of civic participation. Because of the wide-reaching effects of female education on society, alleviating inequalities in education for women is highlighted in Sustainable Development Goal 4 "Quality Education for All", and deeply connected to Sustainable Development Goal 5 "Gender Equality.

Project Drawdown estimates that educating girls is the sixth most efficient action against climate change ahead of solar farms and nuclear power. In Pakistan, a negative relationship was found between the formal level of education a woman attains and the likelihood of violence against that woman After, The researcher used snowball convenient sampling, a sampling method where participants are referred. Female education essay and privacy issues made this the most convenient method.

An informant played a major role in gathering information that was then cross-checked. The sample of victims of violence was made up of married women from ages 18—60 both from rural and urban communities. The study described different forms of physical violence that are already present and provided an idea of what women go through, female education essay, even across communities rural and urban.

Education in this study was stressed to be the solution and a necessity in eliminating violence. A discussion of political and social barriers is needed. The relationship is a lot more complicated than it seems, women can be illiterate but still become empowered Marrs Fuchsel, Immigrant Latina Women ILW were part of a qualitative study of 8 to 10 participant groups, at a time, and completed an week program centered on self-esteem, domestic violence awareness, and healthy relationships.

Immigrant Latina Women ILW is a highly affected group by domestic violence. Though this program took place outside of a traditional classroom, dialogue, critical female education essay, and emotional well-being were stressed, areas that should be acquired while in school.

Lastly, though many of the women were illiterate they were still able to come away with a stronger sense of control over their own lives, an important life skill.

Education systems vary in administration, curriculum and personnel, but all have an influence on the students that they serve. As women have gained rights, formal education has become a symbol of progress and female education essay step toward female education essay equity.

In order for true gender equity to exist, a holistic approach needs to be taken. The discussion of girl power and women's education as solutions for eliminating violence against women and economic dependence on men can sometimes take dominance and result in the suppression of understanding how context, history and other factors affect women Khoja-Moolji, female education essay, Female education essay led to the shooting of Malala was reduced to being solely about her educating herself as a girl.

United States interference, poverty, and government corruption and instability were not addressed. A systematic review on vocational and business training for women in low- and middle-income countries summarized the evidence from thirty-five studies regarding the impacts of such training programs. The authors found that these types of programs have small positive effects on employment and income with variability across studies.

They found that the effects of training may increase with a stronger gender focus of the program. Education of girls and empowerment of women in general in developing countries leads to faster development and a faster decrease of population growth.

It therefore has a significant impact on environmental issues such as climate change. The research network Drawdown estimates that educating girls is the sixth most efficient action against climate change ahead of solar farmsnuclear powerafforestation and many other actions. The proliferation of digital technology and digital services has made digital skills a prerequisite for full participation in society. Today, an inability to navigate the internet female education essay disadvantages.

While these disadvantages were once somewhat contained to wealthy countries, they are now relevant globallyfemale education essay, due to the rapid and continuing proliferation of internet-connected technology. Equipping women and girls with digital skills helps put them on equal footing with digitally savvy men, and opens up countless opportunities for increased agency and choice. Websites and mobile applications on health and legal rightsfor example, can help women make informed decisions to safeguard and care for themselves and their families, while online social networks and digital communications allow women to disseminate information and female education essay knowledge beyond their immediate community.

Mobile learning opportunities, from literacy apps to open online courses MOOCs about subjects as female education essay as astronomy and caring for older relatives with dementia, can open up new educational pathways, especially for out-of-school girls and adult women. Female education in STEM includes child and adult female represented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics STEM, female education essay.

Education for disabled women has also improved. InGiusi Spagnolo female education essay the first woman with Down Syndrome to graduate college in Europe she graduated from the University of Palermo in Italy.

Christian missionaries in the 19th century opened modern educational methods, but they usually focused on boys. After early experiments they settled on promoting ideology of domestic femininity imparted through girls' schooling. They prevented female teachers from operating in the Scottish mission's territory.

They delayed the establishment of a Girls' Department at Lovedale Institution. Finally new leadership arrived who had a broader vision of uplifting native women so they could promote Christianity and Western gender codes.

Muslims from India who came to East Africa in the late 19th century brought along a highly restrictive policy against schooling for their girls. As ofPriscilla Sitienei is attending elementary school in Kenya at age 92; if confirmed by the Guinness World Recordsshe would be the oldest student in elementary school.

Women's education in West Africa manifested in both formal female education essay informal structures, with one of the more notable structures that had influence on women's education being female education essay schools labeled "Bush Schools.

They were organized by women and had a planned, structured curriculum, which included learning how to do skills such as learning how to "fish, cook, weave, spin cotton, dress hair, and make baskets, musical instruments, pots, and fishing nets. In addition to these skills, girls would often be given reproductive education, such as birth control techniques or child rearing skills. In particular to the Bundu schools, women would be given an intense education in medicinal herbs and home medicinal skills.

Despite the colonial and post-colonial ideal that women ought to be educated just to serve decorative or child-bearing maternal roles, these institutions taught women to play central economic, female education essay, corporate and familial roles in their communities, female education essay.

Early colonial forms of education on the West African coasts, female education essay, particularly among the DahomeyAsante and Yorùbá people, were pioneered by missionaries and institutions that were trying to educate religious thought in addition to teaching more traditional western educational topics such as reading and writing.

These Western ideas of womanhood oftentimes contrasted with women's roles in the economy, society, or in the home. Hence, as the British colonial government introduced schools to the region, female education essay, they ignored educating women to fill economic roles in the community.

the primary financial support of a nuclear family structure, was introduced by the British colonial state in West Africa. One of the groups of people that the colonial governments in West Africa put heavy import on educating were the mixed children of white people, typically men, female education essay, and indigenous people, typically women.

In pre-British colonist state Ghana, when much of the interaction between indigenous people and Europeans was through Dutch traders, mixed race children of traders and indigenous people were removed from their indigenous communities and placed in Dutch educational institutions in Ghana.

One of the other ways through which colonizing countries were able to exert influence and indirect rule over the indigenous people was through maternal education. In colonial Ghana, Methodist missionaries led classes teaching western methods of hygiene and child birth to the indigenous mothers or mothers-to-be. In post-colonial West Africa, many of the ideals of Western education have remained while much of the infrastructure and funding left with the colonial presence.

One, there is concern for women being alienated from their indigenous cultures and not receiving the education in values that were typically received through pre-colonial indigenous educational systems.

In regards to academic achievement, according to the FAWE Conference girls across the Sub-Saharan region reported lower scores in Math and Science subjects. The Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women has released publications citing numerous ways through which women's education in Africa is beneficial to society as a whole.

These entail an increase in family health, female education essay, in higher wage jobs available to women, female education essay improvement in quality standards of childhood development, and a greater inclusion of women in decisions making that can impact a nation in environmental, political, social and economic ways.

However, there is still much statistical gender disparity as according to UNESCO statistics on women's enrollment and graduation rates. One of the primary ways in which there are gender disparities in education in Female education essay Africa are in the ratios of male to female participation: In addition, in West Africa women are seen as the primary providers of unpaid care work.

This offers competing demands on the time of girls and oftentimes their families will prioritize girls' spending time taking care of siblings or doing domestic labor. In addition to this, some gender disparities are caused by teacher's attitudes towards students in the classroom according to the students' gender.

In particular in Guineafemale education essay, surveys have been taken by researchers suggesting that school teachers, particularly female education essay rural schools, believe that boys learn lessons better, have more ambition, are smarter, and work harder, female education essay, while girls make less effort, rarely give good responses to questions, and use poor French expression.

In the past few female education essay, African countries have attached great importance to the role of education in the process of nation-state construction and development. Therefore, education has been placed on the policy priorities, and the rapid expansion of the number of educational institutions at all levels has greatly increased women's educational opportunities.

In particular, after the World Conference on Education for All, women's education received special attention in Africa and achieved rapid development. While the enrollment rate of women at all levels is increasing, the gender parity index is also improving. In sub-Saharan Africa, the gender parity index for primary school enrollment in, and was 0, female education essay.

In some countries, women's gross enrollment ratios even exceed men's gross enrollment rates, such as the Gambia, Ghana, Malawi, and Zambia. The gender parity index for secondary and higher education also tends to increase, female education essay. In addition to the enrollment rate and gender parity index, other indicators, such as repetition rates, dropout rates, graduation rates, etc.

Inthe repetition rate of female primary education in Sub-Saharan African countries was At the same time, the increase in female enrollment rates has also led to a growing number of female teachers in Africa.

In recent decades, female education essay, female education in Africa has made great though uneven progress, female education essay. On the one hand, the level of development of women's education between countries and countries in this region is still significantly different due to differences in geographical location, social class, language and ethnicity.

On the other hand, compared with the rest of the world, Africa, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, still lags behind in the field of women's education. Compared with men, women in most African countries have been disadvantaged in education, and the higher the level of education, the more unfavorable the situation. For example, in the fields of education, humanities, and art, the proportion of girls generally far exceeds that of boys.

Science, engineering, and architecture are dominated by boys. There are gender differences in education in Africa, and the factors that lead to these differences are manifold. The factors that hinder the education of gender equality can be roughly divided into economic factors, school-related factors, and social and cultural factors.

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female education essay

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