Gun Control Research Papers. Words3 Pages. Gun control laws regulate the possession and purchase of firearms, including the types of guns that may be owned, waiting periods required for purchase, and classification of persons who are prohibited from owning firearm. There tend to demands for stricter gun control laws Gun Control Research Paper. Words6 Pages. Modern issues essay. Gun control is a controversial issue for a long time around the world, particularly in U.S. because of a lots of mass shooting in school and public places. The second Amendment of the U.S. constitution is one of the shortest in all of the bill of right, it was written by the time period of American’s birth and it Alina Saburova Francis Carleton Political Science Research Paper Gun Control Research Paper That is the 2nd of 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America which were ratified on December 15, to form what we call the “Bill of Rights”. (National Archives and Records Administration) I will add my opinion in the end, to this right, given to the people Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins
Gun Control Research Papers - Words | Bartleby
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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free DOC. Download Free PDF. Research Paper GUN CONTROL. Alina Saburova, a research paper on gun control. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. National Archives and Records Administration I will add my opinion in the end, to this right, given to the people of the United States, it is open for interpretation but A research paper on gun control take it at face value.
With that said, our country faces a problem with violence and the use of firearms in a very huge numbers unfortunately. Many leaders of congress and lobbyists around the country are calling, and demanding for the gun control including the banning of certain — if not all guns, a research paper on gun control. Guns kill people? I think not.
Guns are objects that require a person to pull a research paper on gun control trigger and inflict damage. I say that gun control will not prevent crime, violence, nor will it effectively decrease the murder rate, rather it would actually cause a rise in such. Beyond that I will also be looking at possible common sense solutions that may potentially help to improve the current violence crisis we have in America. Facts On File News Services, 17 Dec. The importance of guns was made even clearer with the second amendment of which discussion has began.
However that right has since been heavily debated — especially in more recent times. Of course a loose constitutionalist sees what the writing doesn't say, whereas a strict constitutionalist sees only what it does, this is one reason for such intense rhetoric.
So many tragedies caused by people using guns of some sort. In the State of New York a research paper on gun control passed the Sullivan Act in which was essentially a concealed carry law that required a permit to carry or own a weapon small enough to be concealed. This law was passed after a high profile shooting of a well-known novelist, and of course there was controversy over this law and the many laws regarding guns.
After a few high profile crimes that involved fully automatic weapons The National Firearms Act NFA was passed in as the first national gun control law.
The Federal Firearms Act was passed in requiring sellers to maintain records and obtain a Federal Firearms License. Kennedy President Johnson signed the Gun Control Act as a law. This very heavily regulated firearms in America adding many restrictions on gun sales, and required more detailed records by sellers.
After the attempt to assassinate President Reagan which left his White A research paper on gun control Press Secretary James Brady permanently disabled there was more anti-gun protests. President Bill Clinton signed the Brady Bill as law on November 30, and it imposed a mandatory 5 day waiting period on firearm purchases and required thorough background checks to be carried out by local law enforcement on anyone wanting to buy a weapon.
The Supreme Court ruled in that the US Government exceeded its authority and that the background a research paper on gun control were unconstitutional under the 10th amendment which restricts the federal government from having authority over the states.
Even though they made this ruling, other parts of the Brady Bill remained in effect. Then in President Clinton signed a second law, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which prohibited the sale of semiautomatic weapons with magazines that hold 10 rounds or more for civilian use.
The bill was not renewed inafter 10 years. In even more recent years we have more proposed legislation such as the Gun Show Background Check Act, a research paper on gun control, and the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Criminals Act both of which ultimately went nowhere. Florida was the first state to pass this law in and it allows you to justifiably use force in self-defense if there is an imminent threat of an unlawful act and it does not require you to retreat first.
The big factor in gun laws is the National Rifle Association NRA ; this group was formed in and has been dedicated to promoting the rights of gun owners for years. I will begin with the city of Chicago which is often brought up in gun control rhetoric. CNS News reports that there have been shooting and homicides in Chicago since January 1st ; the math is 3. com, April 26th, ]. Vermont was then the only state that did not require a permit to conceal carry a weapon.
Would you like to take a guess at which state? area as well. Now this tie into my common sense beliefs and opinions of how so many acts of violence could be easily prevented. People in sociology say it has to do with social forces that play in their life and eventually push them to acts of violence. If someone has a gun and is trying to rob you, what are you going to do? Give the person your money, become a victim and then proceed by calling the police?
By the time the police show up the perpetrator will be long gone and chances are that 45 minute justice you see on law and order will never happen. There are distinct ecological patterns that are correlated with crime rates.
Rural and suburban areas have much lower crime rates than the large metropolitan areas which show that urban problems including overcrowding, poverty, social inequality, narcotics use, and racial conflict are related to crime rates. There a research paper on gun control countless cases of concealed-carry citizens who stop crime all around the country on random occasions. If it wasn't for these people there would be even higher crime rates.
They have no respect for the law, but broadening laws so that they put more Americans in violation of it simply creates more criminals and puts more stress on an already over-worked over-stressed criminal justice system. Professor of Criminology, Gary D. Siegel, John L. Criminals with violent records should not have weapons, but they do. So we focus instead on getting rid of weapons from all Americans, rather than focusing on stopping these violent criminals?
Acts of violence are obviously illegal, but so many perpetrators enter the criminal justice system and find a plea bargain rather than truly being punished to the fullest extent of the law. Law enforcement officers can only do something when the crime is reported and already happened, the prevention comes through deterrent by way of increased police presence and proactive policing, or even better — allowing citizens to carry their guns.
Violent offenders should not be let off the hook with a slap on the wrist. Recidivism is very high in all areas because so many judges are so soft in rulings assuming the ones without trials by jury and the criminals get out in a month or two and go commit the crime again. Police Departments have minimum funding, and face increasing budget cuts, this affects the cases their detectives take, a research paper on gun control, the manpower they have available, and the resources that are available.
As I already did say, it's okay for the citizens to have a gun, of course with limits and deep background control, to be sure this person won't use it the wrong way. Guns in the United States: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law. Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney. org, 14 March. Accessed 8 April Related Papers What Will It Take?
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Jim Jefferies -- Gun Control (Part 1) from BARE -- Netflix Special
, time: 7:48Introduction To Gun Control Essay - Words | Bartleby
This essay aims to put forward an argument against gun control. The essay asserts that prevalence of gun control should not be a part of the society. Society should be against gun control because people should be able to protect themselves, the crime rate would decrease, and people have the right to bear arms Gun Control Research Papers. Words3 Pages. Gun control laws regulate the possession and purchase of firearms, including the types of guns that may be owned, waiting periods required for purchase, and classification of persons who are prohibited from owning firearm. There tend to demands for stricter gun control laws Alina Saburova Francis Carleton Political Science Research Paper Gun Control Research Paper That is the 2nd of 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America which were ratified on December 15, to form what we call the “Bill of Rights”. (National Archives and Records Administration) I will add my opinion in the end, to this right, given to the people Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins
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