Essay (a) Title relevant & effective, (b) clear Introduction to issue/problem, incl. needed definitions & qualifications; (c) Thesis and/or Purpose well placed, clearly presented, appropriately qualified; (d) (optional) preview lists all main supporting points in same order they are addressed in essay body; (e) Essay Unity is strong: essay content consistent with & controlled by thesis/purpose Jul 03, · Revision Checklist. Does the essay have a clear and concise main idea? Is this idea made clear to the reader in a thesis statement early in the essay (usually in the introduction)?; Does the essay have a specific purpose (such as to inform, entertain, evaluate, or persuade)? Have you made this purpose clear to the reader? Good formatting. Excellent attention grabber. Good thesis statement. Well organized. Good transition. Unclear. Show how your point supports your thesis statement. You’re rambling. This makes little sense. Try rearranging these sentences. Mix in a paragraph every now and then
Essay Evaluation Made Easy With a Student Writing Checklist & Comments - BrightHub Education
htm Webtip: Essay grading checklist and other essay grading checklist webpages are being updated regularly; to ensure that you see viewing the latest version in your internet browser, click "Refresh" Explorer or "Reload" Netscape at the top of your browser screen.
These Essay 2 Basic Requirements Are Met:. Quotation, Paraphrase AKA: indirect quotationSummary from sources: accurate and correctly punctuated quotations, using ellipses and brackets when needed, and blocked format for long quotations; paraphrases indirect quotations and summaries are faithful to the original sources and do not distort the meaning of the original. Evaluation Guide:. Title, Introduction, Thesis. Issue or problem under discussion is clearly introduced, essay grading checklist, and the scope and grounds of the argument are controlled through needed definitions and qualifications.
Thesis and purpose of the argument is clearly stated, well-placed and appropriately qualified, essay grading checklist. If applicable Optional preview of main supporting points aids coherence by previewing all main points to be addressed, and in the same order that they are addressed, in essay body. Organization, Coherence, and Conclusion. Coherence is strong, achieved through clear expression, essay grading checklist, logical and well-placed transitions, logical and readable paragraph breaks, well-structured body essay grading checklist unified by clear implicit or explicit topic sentences.
Conclusion is appropriate to the type of argument chosen, effective and consistent in re emphasizing the thesis and purpose of the essay, in expanding on the implications of the preceding argument for readers and author, and in providing a pleasing sense of closure.
Essay effectively addresses a diverse readershipessay grading checklist ranges of background knowledge and of pre-existing opinions that readers are likely to have on the topic issue under discussion. Supporting Development. Body Paragraphs: Each of the major body points is clearly, essay grading checklist, adequately, and effectively supported, using appropriate and persuasive specific development.
Thesis Support: Body paragraph development offers relevant, appropriate and ethical appeals in support of the thesis claim and the central purpose s of the argument. Style, Clarity, and Grammatical Correctness. Sentence style is clear, effective and mature, showing a command of stylistic devices like coordination and subordination, emphasis, parallelism, pleasing sentence variety.
Word Choice: Special attention is given to careful, precise, clear, and concise word choice necessary to successful argumentation. In-text citations are incorporated smoothly and grammatically correctly into essay, using ellipses and brackets as needed to maintain concise, essay grading checklist, clear, and effective expression. Exercises have been completed. page numbers if source is paginated ; source Summary cited; timely author tags, original meaning not distorted.
Supporting Development: a Use of appeals e. quotations are incorporated smoothly, clearly, and grammatically correctly into essay ; d Grammatical Correctness characterizes written expression in this essay, suggesting careful, effective editing and proofreading; major sentence errors are avoided. WR Competencies Addressed by Essay 2. As stated in the WR Syllabus, the Humanities Department Composition Committee has identified the following competencies or learning objectives for all WR courses.
Essay 2 Argument Using at least 3 Sources has been designed to help you achieve these course competencies:. Competency 1. Demonstrate the ability essay grading checklist use a variety of analytical and argumentative essay patterns, such as evaluation of a published argument, comparative analysis of sources, persuasion, argumentation synthesis, essay grading checklist. Competency 2. Demonstrate the ability to use several quotations from either published sources or interviews, essay grading checklist, which are 1 integrated into the student's own writing at both the paragraph and the sentence leveland 2 correctly documented according to some currently accepted practice.
Competency 3 : Demonstrate the ability essay grading checklist adopt a persona or tone that serves one's persuasive purposes in written argument, and to identify and anticipate audience considerations e.
In addition, Essay 2 preparatory exercises, Workshops, preliminary drafts, as well as follow-up Writers Profile assignment, are intended to help you achieve these WR competencies:. Competency 4 : Summarize published arguments and analyze components of written arguments, such as claim, support including the distinction between observation and inference, fact and opinionwarrants, assumptions, logic, rebuttals, credibility, psychological appeals, connotation, tone, slanted language, irony, essay grading checklist.
Competency 5: Use writing to provide a peer with alternative viewpoints and suggestions for revising and editing. Competency 6 : Adopt a writing process to incorporate the special concerns of arguments such as analyzing opposing viewpoints, synthesizing personal opinions with written sources, thesis formation, organization, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading. Competency 7 : Analyze and evaluate one ' s own argument, identifying strengths, weaknesses and potential biases, assumptions--and suggest some means of improving his or her argumentative practice.
Approved by Composition Committee, rev. htm WR htm Last updated: 18 September This webpage is maintained by Cora AgatucciProfessor of English, Humanities DepartmentCentral Oregon Community College I welcome comments: cagatucci cocc. edu © Cora Agatucci, Cora's Home Page Current Schedule Cora's Classes Copyright Site Map. For problems with this web, contact webmaster cocc.
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, time: 14:21Essay 2 Grading & Revision Checklist

Essay Revision Checklist Before submitting your essay, check the following list to be sure you’ve considered these important points: Purpose Yes No 1. Is the main idea of the essay clear to the reader? 2. Does the essay stay focused on the main idea? 3. Does the writer maintain an awareness of the intended audience? Jul 03, · Revision Checklist. Does the essay have a clear and concise main idea? Is this idea made clear to the reader in a thesis statement early in the essay (usually in the introduction)?; Does the essay have a specific purpose (such as to inform, entertain, evaluate, or persuade)? Have you made this purpose clear to the reader? Essay (a) Title relevant & effective, (b) clear Introduction to issue/problem, incl. needed definitions & qualifications; (c) Thesis and/or Purpose well placed, clearly presented, appropriately qualified; (d) (optional) preview lists all main supporting points in same order they are addressed in essay body; (e) Essay Unity is strong: essay content consistent with & controlled by thesis/purpose
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