The layout of our book implies there is a beginning, middle, and end to a writing course, but because writing is both an art and a skill, people will find their own processes for learning, improving, and using these skills. Writing processes differ because we are each looking for a Author: Elizabeth Browning Nov 27, · The Mother Tongue – English, and How It Got That Way, by Bill Bryson. Everything this author writes is pure genius, and The Mother Tongue is no exception. Bryson weaves a fascinating tale about the origins of the English language, and peppers it with solid insight about the utter weirdness that abounds in the Catherine Winter ESL Intermediate/Advanced Writing (English as a Second Language Series) by Mary Ellen Munoz Page Paperback $ In Stock. Ships from and sold by FREE Shipping on orders over $ Details. ESL Intermediate/Advanced Grammar (English as a Second Language Series) by Mary Ellen Munoz Page Paperback $/5(32)
Best Books on Writing ( books)
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA, english writing book. The book is excellent in its beginning chapters about reading critically, understanding the rhetorical situation, analyzing arguments, english writing book, and working through the writing process. These chapters provide a lot of depth english writing book terms of key terms, underlying read more.
Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see english writing book. These chapters provide a lot of depth in terms of key terms, underlying strategies, and connections to student writing. For instance, the chapters on reading discuss important concepts and strategies that can be applied to writing tasks. I also appreciated that the chapters drill down into specifics of things like context cues and language indicators. On the other hand, the chapters that deal with research particularly chapter 6 on outside sources seem a little thin, english writing book, especially when compared to the depth in the other chapters, english writing book.
The content of the book is accurate. It english writing book helpful that the authors provide english writing book to their sources and examples. This book is very relevant for freshmen in first-year composition. The chapters relate directly to key rhetorical concepts and drafting strategies to help students meet their writing goals.
Again, the depth of terms and the connections to specific reading and writing tasks add value to the text and make it even more relevant for first-year students who struggle with these same concepts.
Clarity is a strength for the text. It is written in a way that english writing book accessible for college students. It defines key english writing book and also includes tips and explanations of underlying conventions or assumptions that instructors may fail to make explicit. It also provides a list of key takeaways at the end of each section, english writing book, links to worksheets and sample essays, and helpful graphics.
The text is easily divided into small readings. Each chapter has several sections with their own headings. However, individual sections and chapters are scaffolded in such a way that it would be difficult to read them out of order and have the same level of understanding.
The book begins with basic reading and rhetorical concepts and then moves into writing strategies that stem from this foundation.
The book is organized in a top-down way, beginning with more fundamental concepts of genre, structure, and idea development and then ending with sentence-level issues related to grammar, punctuation, and formatting. This mirrors the writing process itself and seems like a logical organization for the book. The navigation is effective, english writing book.
Internal links on the Table of Contents page as well as at the top of each chapter make it easy to navigate the textbook. I noted a few minor issue with graphics that went off the page or white space that seemed excessive. There isn't a big focus on students from different racial or ethnic backgrounds, which might have added nuance and a level of sensitivity.
For instance, the chapter on sentence basics is really helpful, but doesn't acknowledge the different ways of writing and speaking for people from non-mainstream cultures english writing book backgrounds.
While the book might have provided more sensitivity or focus on these issue, it certainly isn't offensive. In fact, its tone is very respectful of students and their english writing book abilities. It also provides transcripts of videos to enhance access. We've adopted this book for our first-year composition students next year, and I'm excited to use it. There are lots of clear explanations as well as interesting and helpful activities that I can utilize in class and as homework.
The text provides key information on Critical Reading, The Writing Process, Rhetoric, Citing Sources, and Grammar with appropriate examples and illustrations. This book is convenient in that it is concise but to the point, which is very convenient This book is convenient in that it is concise but to the point, which is very convenient for instructors who use their own examples or materials to expand on specific subjects. This text provides an unbiased view of the material, especially when it comes to the examples of argumentation.
Many textbooks rely on political illustrations to provide examples of the material, but this text doesn't, which is a relief for many instructors who want to shy away from controversial topics. The material is up-to-date and relevant, which makes the text relatable to both the instructor and the students.
The text is clear and to the point; it does not drag out the material in order to fill pages like many other textbooks. The way in which the textbook is framed is consistent as it follows a consistent format of the introduction of terminology with a clear explanation, followed by an of the illustration of the terminology by way of both textual and visual english writing book. The organization of the content is what drew me in since the text is organized by english writing book topics which are then divided into respective smaller topics, english writing book.
Each chapter can be divided into its own sub-sections that are organized in a logical manner because each topic builds upon the information from the previous sections.
The organization of the text is quite logical, except for the arrangement of the chapters on "Rhetorical Analysis" Chapter 2 and "Argument" Chapter 30 come before the chapter on "The Writing Process" Chapter 4 seem a bit off considering that the first chapter focuses on "Critical Reading. The interface between the user and the textbook is a manageable one, but there might be some issues depending english writing book the platform the user is viewing the text.
I downloaded the PDF version of the text in order to have less interference with the text, but if instructors or students are using an online version that is not provided by the Publisher, Pressbooks, the user can face some display issues.
For the most part the text stays away from culturally and politically sensitive issues, but it should include examples that are more culturally diverse since most of the examples pertain to American life and culture. This book is very english writing book to follow since it is concise and english writing book the point.
It makes using instructor's own materials on the subjects covered easy to integrate. The text covers foundational topics such as writing process and rhetorical analysis really well. There are excellent explanations and visual examples to help students make sense of each of the main ideas, english writing book.
The information about how and why to use Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less. The information about how and why to use sources is a little sparse. The text covers a few basic rhetorical modes Narrative, Description, Process Analysis, Illustration and Exemplification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Definition, and Classification. It covers Narrative and Description well, english writing book. The other modes aren't covered as extensively.
The handbook information which word is right and punctuation are covered thoroughly. I didn't see errors anywhere, english writing book. I think the writers took care to edit and to make sure that their information was accurate. The only place I can see the text needing updating is in the MLA section, and really, who can ever keep up with MLA changes.
The links out to sources and videos might be a problem in the future, but English writing book actually think those links are a strength in this text. Rhetoric and the writing process don't change a whole lot, so the information will likely stay relevant. I really appreciate the visuals that accompany the text. There are lots of infographics, charts, and visual aids to build meaning in non-textual ways. More difficult concepts such as rhetorical appeals and logical fallacies are thoroughly explained and have plenty of examples to help students make sense of and apply the ideas.
Again, I think the author's took great care in editing and maintaining accuracy and consistency. There is also consistency in formatting, which is helpful in navigation. The chapters are LONG and cover a lot of information for example, all of the rhetorical modes are in one chapter. However, those long chapters are broken into sections and there are links at the beginning of each chapter to "jump" students to the section they want to access.
Students cannot use the table of contents to navigate to those sections, though, which makes the use of specific pieces of each module more difficult. The visual elements are integrated really well.
I english writing book the links to examples videos and outside readings were more prominent because those are really some of the strengths of this text. I stated before that the chapters are LONG and the only way to navigate to the separate parts of the chapter are through the links at the top of each chapter. It would be nice to be able to navigate using the table of contents. Overall, though, the user features are logical and intuitive. This is a weakness of the text.
The images of people though few are primarily white. The text examples are also primarily white. There are links out to some more diverse readings Amy Tan, Sherman Alexie, english writing book, and Sandra Cisnerosbut those are not prominent in the text, nor are they integrated into any textual discussion; they are 'extras'. The text is also focused heavily on white values in writing there are three chapters on "standard" language usage and only 1 chapter on rhetorical modes, and even that chapter isn't terribly focused on student experience or voice.
I can see using some chapters of this text as part of a more complete collection of OER to teach composition, but I wouldn't use this as a primary text because it isn't Culturally Responsive.
This book is fairly comprehensive. It includes sections on reading, argument, the writing process, revision and research and citation. It has the most extensive section on logical fallacies I have ever encountered.
The only thing missing is really The only thing missing is really a discussion of different genres, including anything regarding visual argument. The book is accurate and through. There were a few typos here and there, but nothing outlandish, english writing book.
Definitely seems to be unbiased. The content is up-to-date other than the lack of a section devoted to visual argument, which is more and more relevant these days. Text is not likely to become obsolete, english writing book it would be helpful to supplement it. Text is very accessible. There are a lot of images and graphs to help explain concepts. Most students should be able to comprehend and learn from the information. This text is very consistent. Each chapter is both iterative and moves the concepts along to deeper consideration.
There are good divisions provided, but some of the chapters are overly long and cover a bit too much, english writing book.
English Talking Book - Hansel and Gretel
, time: 4:48
The layout of our book implies there is a beginning, middle, and end to a writing course, but because writing is both an art and a skill, people will find their own processes for learning, improving, and using these skills. Writing processes differ because we are each looking for a Author: Elizabeth Browning Nov 27, · The Mother Tongue – English, and How It Got That Way, by Bill Bryson. Everything this author writes is pure genius, and The Mother Tongue is no exception. Bryson weaves a fascinating tale about the origins of the English language, and peppers it with solid insight about the utter weirdness that abounds in the Catherine Winter ESL Intermediate/Advanced Writing (English as a Second Language Series) by Mary Ellen Munoz Page Paperback $ In Stock. Ships from and sold by FREE Shipping on orders over $ Details. ESL Intermediate/Advanced Grammar (English as a Second Language Series) by Mary Ellen Munoz Page Paperback $/5(32)
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