and two sample essays that serve as examples of English writing. A sample prompt is presented below, followed by three sample essays and comments on all essays. The comments illustrate how the evaluation criteria apply. The first essay meets the basic requirements of the assessment and would result in placement into English , Analytical ENGLISH PLACEMENT READER ANALYSIS This essay received an ENG placement because of the following components: a clear and controlling thesis, effective organization, good use of transitions, clear and specific details and examples, varied and complex sentence structure, and few grammatical errors, mainly commas ACCUPLACERWritePlacer uide with Sample Essays. The ollege oard. 1. Mechanical Conventions —The extent to which you express ideas using Standard Written English. Introduction to WritePlacer. WritePlacer. assesses the writing skills of new college students. Test scores helpFile Size: KB
English Language Placement Test Sample | Shoreline Community College
International students applying for admission without providing any TOEFL or other English proficiency test scores will take an English language placement test during orientation. This test was designed by an experienced team of Shoreline faculty members with advanced degrees in teaching English as a Second Language ESL.
The English placement test has three sections: reading, writing, and listening. Click the tabs below to see each section. The reading section of Shoreline Community College's English placement test has five passages. Each passage is followed by five multiple-choice questions. Here is a sample:. He was in his mid-forties when he was introduced to Jule Eisenbud, Professor of Psychiatry at Denver Medical School in Together, english placement test essay examples, Eisenbud and Serios produced more than two hundred of these "thoughtographs.
The thoughtographs were created under carefully controlled english placement test essay examples and the process was observed by many witnesses, some of whom were very skeptical of Serios' claimed abilities, english placement test essay examples. The experimenters were careful to exclude the possibility of fraud by using methods such as medical examinations and X-rays. They even put Serios in a straightjacket and removed all of his clothes. What is the main idea of this reading passage?
A man named Ted Serios met a psychiatrist named English placement test essay examples Eisenbud. A man was able to create photographic images by looking into a camera. Ted Serios was examined very carefully by scientists. Electromagnetic radiation can create images on film. Which of the following is true, according to the reading passage? Ted Serios was a doctor at a medical school in Denver. The images that Serios created were limited to people and buildings.
Serios forced some other people to wear a straightjacket. disease b. fakery c. machinery d. beauty 4. Eisenbud and Serios b. people and buildings d. respectable witnesses 5. If this reading passage continued, what do you english placement test essay examples the next part might be about? some other strange phenomenon b. Ted Serios' family life c. the history of Denver Medical School d. difficulties in taking good vacation photos, english placement test essay examples.
For the writing section of Shoreline Community College's English placement test, english placement test essay examples, students may choose to write for the higher level or the lower level. Higher level : a student who writes an essay based on a higher level topic will be placed in Englishthe appropriate English for Academic Purposes EAP level, or the appropriate ESL level.
Lower level: a student who chooses to write a paragraph based on a lower level topic will be placed in the appropriate ESL level. Here is an example english placement test essay examples the Writing Section of the English placement test:.
Higher level : If you would like to be considered for English or EAP, please write an essay on ONE of the following topics:. Argue that people should not be allowed to marry until they are more than thirty years old. Lower level: If you would like to be considered for ESL, please write one or two paragraphs on one of the following topics:.
The listening section has five passages that are tape-recorded. Students listen to each passage on tape and then answer five multiple-choice questions. You will hear a short sample of speech followed by five questions.
Each question will be repeated on the tape, but the questions do not appear in the test booklet. You may take notes on the provided piece of paper. When you answer the questions, be sure to mark your answers on the scantron english placement test essay examples not on the test booklet.
Your notes will be collected after the test. Because African music is very much based on rhythm, the banjo looks very much like a drum and probably developed from a drum. It also has a neck and from four to six strings. The banjo was probably brought from Africa to America by slaves in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the United States, white country musicians began using the banjo to play their dance music.
Eventually, the four-string banjo became an integral part of early jazz, called Dixieland and the five-string banjo became the foundation of a kind of fast country music called bluegrass. What is a banjo? a musical instrument b. a slave c. a kind of music d. a dance 2. Where did the banjo originate? in Asia b. in Europe c. In Africa d. In America 3. What are two kinds of music in which the banjo is used? four-string and five-string b. rhythm and strings c.
the 16th and 17th century d. dixieland and bluegrass 4. What would be the most likely source of this listen passage? a music appreciation lecture b. a radio advertisement c, english placement test essay examples. a political speech d. a TV english placement test essay examples comedy. If this listening passage continued, what would the next topic probably be? types of drums in Africa b. the problem of slavery in America c.
some famous banjo players d. classical music today. Skip Navigation International Orientation. Home International Education International Orientation English Language Placement Test Sample. English Language Placement Test Sample International students applying for admission without providing any TOEFL or other English proficiency test scores will take an English language placement test during orientation.
Reading Writing Listening The reading english placement test essay examples of Shoreline Community College's English placement test has five passages. Here is a sample: "Ted Serios is not a normal person. difficulties in taking good vacation photos Answers: B, D, B, B, A. Here is an example of the Writing Section of the English placement test: Higher level : If you would like to be considered for English or EAP, please write an essay on ONE of the following topics: 1.
Explain two ways that some form of transportation has changed urban life. Lower level: If you would like to be considered for ESL, please write one or two paragraphs on one of the following topics: 1. Tell about a time you lost something important. Tell about a funny experience you had with a friend. Here is a sample: "The following short listening passage is part of a listening test.
a TV situation comedy 5. classical music today Answers: A, C, D, A, C.
Preparing for the Writing Placement - Part 2
, time: 17:05English Placement Essay Sample
English Placement Test Practice. Do not leave the best to last! There are exceptions to this rule eg if you need to write an essay to Teet into the right mind-set but the principle is English same: give the best Test your time Essay energy to the essays which will enable you and two sample essays that serve as examples of English writing. A sample prompt is presented below, followed by three sample essays and comments on all essays. The comments illustrate how the evaluation criteria apply. The first essay meets the basic requirements of the assessment and would result in placement into English , Analytical Apr 14, · Japanese essay example, essay topics on cultural values unf application essay descriptive essay on miami beach: how to write an introduction for compare and contrast essay how to start your compare and contrast essay kannada essay on prakriti vikopa what do you mean by essay test assamese essay in assamese importance of english in your life essay
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