Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Duke statement of purpose

Duke statement of purpose

duke statement of purpose

Statement of Purpose; ethnicity, and work and life experiences. If you are trying to decide whether Duke is the right place for you, take some time to read through the information on our website. When you are ready to apply, this information will guide you through the application process. Apply Now Statement of Purpose & Procedure The proposed workshop calls for an effort by scholars to be speculative and to imagine future political developments based on clues currently becoming available in only fragmentary fashion through trajectories of technological innovation as well as changes in social norms and observable political conduct All supporting documents must be electronically submitted along with your application to the Duke Graduate School. They should not be submitted directly to the department. The statement of purpose is an especially important part of the application because it gives applicants a chance to describe their research interests

Preparing Students for ‘Lives of Purpose’ | The Duke Endowment

We duke statement of purpose not expect you to know in advance on what historical field s or interests you will focus your PhD. But for duke statement of purpose department to which you might apply, you should be intrigued by some or all of its faculty's research. The Director of Graduate Studies and Assistant to the DGS may be able to help answer questions about fit, and many faculty will be happy to answer your questions via email though bear in mind that faculty on leave are not always available on email.

Most importantly, craft your Statement of Purpose and choose your Writing Sample so that the good 'fit' between your interests and those in the duke statement of purpose and beyond will be apparent to the Admissions Committee. You may apply to English and to Literature. In rare cases where we feel that a student has misdirected an application, we will contact the student to suggest transferring the application. But we cannot guarantee duke statement of purpose there will be time for this, so we recommend that you read both the English and the Literature website carefully.

The Director of Graduate Studies and Assistant to the DGS in both English and Literature will be glad to answer your questions as you make your choice. Such opportunities are ample here: students are encouraged to take courses outside the English department and to appoint faculty members in other disciplines to their dissertation committees. Most faculty in the department have interdisciplinary interests: a series of links to other department and programs in which faculty are cross-appointed appears on our main page.

We encourage you to contact individual faculty in our department who might be able to help you pursue a particular interdisciplinary interest, and to investigate courses and faculty in whatever other disciplines you want to pursue as part of your program of study.

The Director of Graduate Studies and Assistant to the DGS will be glad to help in your research. The Overview of the Program gives you a quick sketch. For more details, see the Student Handbook. We strongly discourage any student from taking on the financial burden of graduate study without adequate funding. See the Overview of the Program under both Fellowships and Funding and Pedagogy for more details. A detailed description of how you would be funded will be provided to you if you are admitted, duke statement of purpose.

For full details on how students currently in the program are being funded, see the Student Handbook; note that the stipends and teaching payments are adjusted each term to the cost of living. We take pride in educating our students in pedagogy as well as in scholarship, and our students engage in a coherent, progressive pattern of training in teaching.

See Pedagogy for a brief description. They do not duke statement of purpose freshman composition courses in each of their years in the program: at Duke, the Writing Program is in any case separate from the English Department. Students funded duke statement of purpose to the department's standard funding package typically have their first two fall terms free from teaching responsibilities, and engage in a teaching apprenticeship in the spring term in each of their first two years.

A teaching apprenticeship is a pedagogical training experience involving a lighter workload duke statement of purpose a teaching assistantship. In third, fourth, and fifth year, students typically spend one term acting as a teaching assistant in an undergraduate English course, and in the other, duke statement of purpose, follow a progressive sequence of independent teaching assignments.

In their final year in the program usually the sixth, but sometimes the fifthstudents are free of teaching responsibilities so that they may concentrate on writing their dissertation. For more detailed information, see the Student Handbook.

You do not need an MA in order to be accepted into the doctoral program in English. Each year's class includes both students duke statement of purpose straight from their undergraduate degree and students who have subsequently completed an MA. Some students complete an MA before applying for a PhD for a variety of reasons: if, for example, your undergraduate degree is in a different discipline, then you may need more background in English before you will be ready for graduate study in English and an MA might give you a chance to find out whether English is really what you want.

For students at undergraduate institutions that do not often send students to top graduate programs, an MA may help establish that you are prepared for a PhD program. If you've been out of school for a number of years, then an MA might help you to launch yourself back into academic life. Many of these purposes might also be served by taking a few graduate courses on a duke statement of purpose, non-degree basis with the best scholars you can seek out to study with: the decision which of these routes to follow will probably depend on personal and financial factors.

Up to three courses taken in your MA work may count toward your eleven required courses though many students take extra courses in any caseand more importantly, you will have a head start on deciding how best to pursue your chosen interests.

There are several things you can do to ensure that your application is easier to evaluate, here and elsewhere. If failures, low grades, or dropping out were factors at some point, then at your discretion you may want to include a letter of recommendation from someone who can explain the circumstances, or make some brief mention of these in your Statement of Purpose. If you have studied duke statement of purpose, many institutions will include with the transcript they send some explanation of the way they evaluate students and what the US equivalents of your grades would be: you should ensure that this is done if at all possible, and include some explanation of the content of the courses if it differs greatly from that in a US course of study.

Our faculty have diverse interests and backgrounds, and so do our graduate students, duke statement of purpose. The most important things we look for in your application are 'fit', intelligence, originality, and writing ability. The most important places for you to make these qualities evident are your Statement of Purpose and Writing Sample, duke statement of purpose.

We do not begin reading applications until after the final deadline has passed—but nor do we consider applications parts of which are submitted late, so we recommend that you not wait until the final day to begin the application process. You are welcome to visit campus, but it is worth emphasizing that we evaluate applicants on the merits of their written application materials, and thus meeting with faculty, the DGS, or the DGSA will not give you any advantage in the application process.

If you are accepted into the program, duke statement of purpose, then we will invite you to visit us for our graduate recruitment weekend at our expense. On this visit you'll get a chance to meet the other students who have been accepted as duke statement of purpose as current students, and the Assistant to the DGS and Director of Graduate Studies, as well as faculty who share your interests, will be ready to answer your specific questions about the program and your place in it.

GRE scores are optional in You are welcome to submit scores if you think they will enhance your application. We sympathize with your position, but we cannot waive this requirement for you since it is not a requirement of our department but one of the Graduate School.

The Graduate School stands firm behind the requirement that all international students whose native language is not English must take the TOEFL exam. However, the Graduate School does consider exceptions to this rule if the medium of instruction for all or most of your primary and secondary education was English or if you attended a college or university in the United States.

If you would like to request that the TOEFL requirement be waived, you may do so at the time that you submit your application for admission. No waiver requests are considered until the Graduate School has received your application and supporting documents and is able to evaluate your English proficiency.

Please note that there is no guarantee that your waiver request will be duke statement of purpose. The average undergraduate GPA for students entering our program in a recent year was 3. But there is no cutoff GPA for admission to the doctoral program in English, and while good duke statement of purpose are obviously a good thing, they are not the only thing. We will look at your undergraduate transcripts, but your specific GPA will be of less concern to us than seeing that you've duke statement of purpose a variety of English courses and done well in them, and demonstrated a pattern of success and consistency in your achievement overall.

If there are any departures from this pattern in your transcript, then at your discretion you might want to make some brief reference to why they need not concern us in your Statement of Purpose.

Demonstrated competence in a foreign language, whether through course credit or by other means, is not required for admission. However, demonstrated competence in at least one language again, not necessarily through credit in a course is the minimum requirement for completion of the PhD.

And depending on your field of interest, you may really need to learn two or three languages: your committee will advise you on this issue as you are developing your PhD project.

For a description of the PhD language requirement, consult the Student Handbook, duke statement of purpose. Resources and funding to help you in learning languages will be available at Duke: see this brief account, or consult the Student Handbook.

Although there is no language requirement for admission, we'd advise you to consult mentors who share your interests in order to find out what languages are likely to be most useful to you, and get started on language study as soon as possible.

In some fields where multiple languages are likely to be needed e. medieval, postcolonialthe fact that you have begun work on your language training may be advantageous to you in the admissions process.

And having a head start will definitely make your life easier as you are working on your PhD. The Graduate School requires at least two letters from specialists in your field of study for this purpose, that means English professors. One of these letters in your field should be from someone who knows your work well, duke statement of purpose, and one if possible the same letter from someone who works in the historical field, or on the same main focus of interest, that you are claiming as a special interest in your application.

If possible, avoid requesting all your letters from part-time, untenured, or emeritus professors, as letters from tenured scholars or equivalent actively engaged in mid- to senior career generally carry the most weight. If there is more than one professor outside the field of English who you'd duke statement of purpose to write for you, then consider submitting four letters rather than the minimum three. The same would apply if you're currently working in a job related to your future career say, teaching or publishing and would like to submit a letter from your boss in addition to your academic letters.

You can help to ensure that your letters are as good as the writers can make them by speaking briefly with each recommender to duke statement of purpose them on your activities since you last had contact with them, duke statement of purpose, and providing each recommender with your Statement of Purpose and Writing Sample, your transcript, and perhaps with papers you wrote for them in the past.

If you have letters on file that were written in the past, then it is often a good idea to ask your recommenders to update them, duke statement of purpose, if possible. Using a dossier service that will send your letters to the Graduate School as a package, or asking for your letters long in advance of the deadline, can help to ensure that all the letters you want to be in your application are indeed there when it is read.

The Statement of Purpose is the place where you can speak in a direct, personal voice about your reasons for wanting to engage in doctoral study in English. The Personal Statement and Writing Sample are by far the most important parts of your application, and the parts over which you have most control, duke statement of purpose. We recommend that you show your Personal Statement to the people who are writing letters for you, and to others whose opinion you value: this is a difficult genre to get just right, and other eyes will be a great help.

Having read your statement will also help your recommenders to write better letters. Pay attention to style and tone. While we might expect complex language and lengthy sentences in your Writing Sample, in your Personal Statement you should strive to describe your interests using shorter sentences and ordinary language.

In terms of tone, try to avoid both arrogance and false humility. Showing your Personal Statement to other readers will help with both duke statement of purpose issues. Keep your audience in mind. Remember that you're speaking to people who are spending their lives in the field where you hope to study. You don't need to justify your interests for this audience in the way you might for friends or family.

Instead, try to be as specific and detailed as possible about the things that you love studying and want to pursue further. Convey your enthusiasm as vividly as you can, but don't waste space justifying it, duke statement of purpose. Work for depth and focus, not a biography or a list.

It is rarely effective to list all the courses where you've excelled, to attempt to provide a full intellectual biography, or to provide lengthy lists of theorists or literary writers who interest you. Instead, be selective see below and work for depth and focus, duke statement of purpose. We'd really like to see you pursue and develop an idea, or a small cluster of related ideas, with all the depth and complexity possible within such a short statement.

The rest of your duke statement of purpose can do the work of telling us about your accomplishments and recounting your intellectual career thus far. Keep one eye on the future. Talk not just about what you've already done and thought, but about what you hope to do next. What ideas do you want to pursue further, and how? Any specific ideas you might have about how you might do this at Duke are definitely worth mentioning : do you want to work with particular faculty members?

engage in some specific kind of interdisciplinary work that would be easy to do here? If appropriate, explain possible concerns without being defensive. If your GREs or GPA are unusually low, or if your undergraduate record has some unusual aspect, then you might, at your discretion, want to include some brief acknowledgement, and possibly explanation, that could work to allay concerns about your future success that these features of your application might raise, duke statement of purpose.

You don't need to defend yourself: people are not machines, and plenty of successful people have blips in their official records. But a brief acknowledgement, usually appearing close to some statement of your future plans and goals, may be useful.

Key Tips To Writing Your Personal Statement - *Example Essay*

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How to Apply | Cultural Anthropology

duke statement of purpose

Statement of Purpose & Procedure The proposed workshop calls for an effort by scholars to be speculative and to imagine future political developments based on clues currently becoming available in only fragmentary fashion through trajectories of technological innovation as well as changes in social norms and observable political conduct All supporting documents must be electronically submitted along with your application to the Duke Graduate School. They should not be submitted directly to the department. The statement of purpose is an especially important part of the application because it gives applicants a chance to describe their research interests As part of your online application, you must upload a statement of purpose. The statement should be one to two pages and single spaced. It should briefly discuss your purposes and objectives in pursuing graduate study; your special interests and plans; your strengths and weaknesses in your chosen field; any research projects or any independent research in which you have

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