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Driscoll reflection essay example

Driscoll reflection essay example

driscoll reflection essay example

This reflective essay will help me demonstrate how my experience in practice has helped me achieve one of the learning outcomes in my learning plan, (appendix 1). Driscoll () will be used as a reflective model. The essay will explore what (description of events) so what (analysis) and now what (action plan). This essay is going to reflect on the Apr 16,  · The results driscoll essay nursing reflective using of early academic literacies approach to the hale et al, as all of which were fragments. We provided a good demonstration of switches: Teams demonstrate their familiarity with the statistical test to check each one Introduction. In this essay I will be using the Driscoll Model of Reflection, Driscoll Reflection in nursing is when we are consciously looking and thinking about our experience’s, actions, feelings and responses. We typically do this whilst asking ourselves about what we did, how we did it and what we learnt from it and that reflection

Driscoll Model Of Reflection In Nursing - Words | Bartleby

Reflective models provide a framework for students or practitioners to review their own performance with a view to understanding personal reactions and performance levels and the way they can improve Moon, There are several models which may be used to guide the process, which requires the willingness to be self-critical.

The Driscoll Model is one of these frameworks Driscoll, Driscoll first developed their reflective model in as a framework to guide self-reflection on specific events or happenings. The model was based on the s work of Borton who had advocated for reflective practice using three questions: What?

So what? and Now what? Driscoll, These three questions are useful but may be argued as somewhat ambiguous, so Driscoll's development took Boston's questions and matched them to an experiential learning cycle Driscoll, Driscoll's model is designed for the learner guide their own learning by reflecting on the event using the three questions, with the addition of guidance regarding what should be incorporated at each stage pf the model.

The first stage, the What? Is where the learned should reflect on what happened, first considering why they are undertaking the reflection. For example, the learner may want to understand why they reacted in a specific way, to assess what went right or what went wrong and identify behaviours or practices to avoid, repeat, or improve, or any combination of these motivations. The what stage is a descriptive stage, describing what occurred, the questions which may be used at this stage to fully describe driscoll reflection essay example occurred may include several of the following questions:.

This stage is driscoll reflection essay example descriptive; it is not asking why, the stage is merely allowing the data to be collected that will form the framework for the next stage of the analysis. However, driscoll reflection essay example, the process does require the user to be honest and recall events accurately. The second stage is the So What? This is the stage where the analysis is undertaken, and it the stage where most learning will be undertaken.

By asking So What? the model will trigger the cognitive processes to increase understandings of the event Driscoll, During this stage, the learner will examine their own feelings regarding the event and assess the way their feelings impacted on their behaviour or actions Driscoll, driscoll reflection essay example, Questions the learner may ask themselves during this stage include:.

The second stage requires the learned to accept and acknowledge weaknesses or errors, but it is also a stage where the strengths and good reaction may be recognised. The understanding of what happened leads naturally to the last stage: Now What?

The third question leads to the improvement with the learner developing an action plan to decide who they will react or behave the next time they are in a similar position Driscoll, To adjust behaviours and reactions, the learner must have self-awareness and understand driscoll reflection essay example and why they acted or reacted in a specific way Perusso, Blankesteijn and Leal, By understanding and being aware of the issues, they may adjust their reactions, even if the improvements are not fully aligned with the desired outcomes Moon, Questions a learner may ask themselves during this stage may include:.

This is a planning stage: by determining what needs to be done next time the learning process is brought to the fore, allowing a proactive approach which is more likely to create change compared to an unstructured and anecdotal review or unplanned approach NMC, ; Driscoll, The process creates a cycle, as when the event or a similar event occurs, the same stages of What?

So What? And Now What? with the next first stage identifying what happened and how, which will reflect any changes which are made and will allow reflection of the process, creating an ongoing learning cycle Driscoll, driscoll reflection essay example, A summary of the model is presented in the figure below. Reflective models are commonly used across a wide range of disciplines where the abilities of an individual impact on their performance or the completion of tasks where there is not a simple standardisation of processes.

The Driscoll model is one of many which may be used, so can be applied in many situations Moon, Examples of disciplines which use reflective learning include, but are not limited to, education Hébert,earth sciences Harrison, Short and Roberts,business Perusso, driscoll reflection essay example, Blankesteijn and Leal,and in situations where there is a driscoll reflection essay example to work with others Loo and Thorpe, Invariably, the circumstances where it can be used are those where practice and experience will improve the performance of the practitioner.

The reflective process accelerates the learning process and supplementing personal experience alone. Driscoll's model can be applied to any of these as it is a general model, as it does not have elements which are specific to any discipline or professions, driscoll reflection essay example. However, it is worth noting the model was developed with clinical practice situations mind Driscoll, Nursing practice is an area where there is extensive use of reflective learning.

Nursing has multiple aspects which provide for a very diverse range of situations in which a partition will need to work, where there will be the requirement for subjective judgement Mann, Gordon and MacLeod, As a nurse gains more experience, of the medical situations as well as different types of patient needs, they are likely to become more effective practitioner Gibbs,meaning that reflective learning models, including the Driscoll model, are highly relevant to the profession.

Indeed, if applying the definition of reflection given by Boudp. A student or practicing nurse can use the Driscoll model without driscoll reflection essay example need for direct mentor support in order to enhance their own learning processes.

However, as already noted, there are multiple reflective learning models that can be used, so there may also be consideration regarding why the Driscoll model could be used. The professional nursing bodies, such as the Royal College of Nursing and the Nursing and Midwifery Council, all advocate for the use of reflective learning NMC, ; McKinney, There are many models, and Driscoll's is not the most commonly cited; an anecdotal search of peer review literature indicates it is Gibbs reflective learning cycle that is more commonly found in practice.

However, it may be argued that the Driscoll model has several advantages, mainly due to its higher level of simplicity. The three-stage model is easier to remember when compared to other models with more prescriptive stages. Notability, it is not only that there are just three stages; it is their straightforward nature, which makes remembering the different stages much simpler as they follow a logical and easy to recall progression.

This may also be considered as one of the advantages associated with the model. But there are also disadvantages or weaknesses. As seen above, the main advantage of the Driscoll model is its' easy to use structure, because it is effortless to remember and relativity simple to apply. Experience in using reflective learning may improve personal efficacy.

The approach also reflects many other models, driscoll reflection essay example, providing many of the same steps in an easy to apply approach. For example, the ERA cycle requires a learner to experience, then reflect and finally develop an action plan Jasper, These three steps are directly comparable to those of Driscoll. Furthermore, it is also a model that is easier than more widely used frameworks, such as Gibbswhere there are 6 stages, and proficiency using the model requires practice.

Driscoll model incorporates most of the stages seen in the Gibbs model, for example, Gibbs also starts with a description of what happened, and the second stage requires consideration of the feelings.

These are both encompassed in the first What? stage of Driscoll's model, driscoll reflection essay example. The third stage of Gibbs' model; evaluate, driscoll reflection essay example, requires the learner to determine how the scenario progressed to identify positive and negative aspects, and then analyse why specific outcomes occurred.

Again, driscoll reflection essay example, these two stages in Gibbs model are only the single So What? stage in Driscoll's model. The final conclusion and action plan stages of Gibbs are incorporated into the Now What? This shows the simplicity is an advantage. The simplicity may also be seen as a disadvantage, as the application using the more ambiguous terms may be less detailed when compared to the more prescriptive models such as Gibbs For example, where evaluation and analysis provided as separate stages increase the level of thought required to assess the causal relationship between the different elements of the experience.

Likewise, the development of a specific action plan as a specific stage may solicit more effort or detail to support personal learning. The disadvantages with the Driscoll model are also the same as seen with many other reflective learning models. The real world where experiences are gained may not always be logical and subject to analysis in such a formulated manner. Indeed, there are circumstances were reflective learning is not appropriate, as the models cannot account for every situation.

Even where situations are suitable for the application of reflective learning, the situation may not have started at the 'beginning' of the scenario considered in the analysis Jasper, The last disadvantage is the way it needs to be a continual practice, as it is through the cyclic nature of the process that driscoll reflection essay example benefits will be gained, driscoll reflection essay example, singular practices will only provide minimal benefits Gibbs, The Driscoll model can be an excellent reflective model.

With many tools, it is not the tool itself that driscoll reflection essay example the key to being successful, it is the way the tool is used, as seen within areas such as analysis and diagnostics, it is also true in reflective learning. The main advantage of the Driscoll is the way the tool is easy to apply; the concepts allow the individual to undertake the reflection without the need to refer to the model and guidance notes to complete the process thoroughly, this is illustrated in the model shown in figure 1.

If a tool or framework is easy to use, it is more likely the student nurse or the practitioner will use it more frequently, including informal application when simply reviewing an event rather than undertaking a full reflective learning analysis. The Driscoll model may help to build good habits. Using the model requires the learner reflecting to completing driscoll reflection essay example three stages.

The initial stage requires the learner to think about the event. The learner should adopt an appropriate attitude, including a willingness to be critical of ones' own performance, as well as open to recognising good performance. The reflection should also take into consideration the role of the learner and their current level of knowledge.

For example, if a student nurse is undertaking a reflective learning practice considering how a patient was treated during a medical emergency, they should focus on their own role when considering how they performed, as they would not be in a position to have a major influence on the outcome for the patient. The writing process may start with the student noting down the three headings and then answering the questions indicated at the beginning of this paper.

The notes should driscoll reflection essay example for spaces in the initial draft, as the learner may remember more issues of factors as they progress, driscoll reflection essay example. It is only after the second stage is completed that it is possible to consider how you would behave differently if the same event occurred again, driscoll reflection essay example.

The action plan may also be used to identify further learning that may be undertaken to prepare for a similar situation. Importantly, the process should be used continually to maximise the benefits it will provide. The reflection model is an idea developed by another, so should driscoll reflection essay example be cited to indicate the originator.

The citation method should be in line with the citation style that is recommended by the learning establishment, of if non is recommended by driscoll reflection essay example citation style preferred by the student.

As a minimum, this driscoll reflection essay example include an in-text citation indicating the author with the full details provided in the reference list provided at the end.

For example, in this paper, the model referred to was in Driscoll's publication, the reference for this being:. Driscoll, J. If the model is accessed in a secondary source, then the citation may include the author and the year, and then details which include 'cited in', for example; Driscoll,cited Driscoll reflection essay example, Wherever possible, the original source should be located. For further understanding, see the first section of this paper.

How to write a reflection for an assignment - Nursing UK

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Nursing Reflective Essay using Driscoll’s reflective cycle -

driscoll reflection essay example

Nov 27,  · Introduction: In this reflective account essay, I will be describing nursing skills that I undertook during my practice placement, using Driscoll’s () reflective cycle, a recognised framework for reflection to demonstrate my ability to reflect on different nursing skill. According to Driscoll’s (), there are three processes when reflecting on one’s practice Example of the Driscoll Reflective Cycle. The following is a demonstration of the Driscoll model would look like. A full example of a reflective essay using Driscoll's () model of reflection can be found here. What? A child was presented by her mother to have a standard scheduled vaccination Firstly, I am going to reflect on practice using Driscoll’s reflective model. The first stage is to describe what happened during my experience. While on my second placement, myself and a nurse had to bed bath patient A in a side room

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